Our new 2024 outreach program is to provide luggage, (small suitcase, carry-on size bag, school supplies and toiletries) to children who have been placed in foster care and residential group homes. Youth often arrive with their few belongings in a plastic bag or tote, often having been removed from their home in emergency situations. We hope this suitcase, “a case of kindness” will give them a secure place for their belongings and a sense of ownership for what little they may have. Please go to our DONATE PAGE if you would like to contribute to this important outreach program.
Workforce Coaching
Please see our “Programs” page for more information on how our CEO, a former Human Resources Manager, can assist those with financial challenges with coaching to sharpen their interviewing skills.
2019 HD Book Fest Pictures
Sadly, due to ongoing concerns with the COVID-19 Pandemic, we were compelled to CANCEL our 2020 HIGH DESERT BOOK FESTIVAL that was Cosponsored by Hesperia Recreation & Park District and the City of Hesperia and was to be held on SATURDAY, September 26, 2020.
Please stay safe and check back with us as we make plans for a VIRTUAL book festival. Check for more festival information at: High Desert Book Festival site
Cosponsored by:
CAL HUMANITIES QUICK GRANT: Exploring the Literature of the California Desert
We are honored to have been awarded a 2019 CAL HUMANITIES QUICK GRANT for our project Exploring the Literature of the California Desert. Workshops and lectures were held at our 2019 HIGH DESERT BOOK FESTIVAL. Other writing workshops, readings and public discussions of prose and poetry inspired by the California Desert will be held throughout 2020. Continue reading
2025 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
Our nonprofit is proud of our sixth year continuing our relationship as a Region-at-Large Partner with Scholastic Art & Writing Awards in New York City. It is a century-old national arts and writing competition program for creative teens in grades 7-12. Please contact us if you would like to participate as a juror. Past Alumni from the Award’s 100-year history include Truman Capote, Sylvia Plath, Joyce Carol Oates, Stephen King and Amanda Gorman.
L.A. Times Festival of Books, April 13-14, 2019 at USC
We had a great time at the 2019 L.A.Times Festival of Books. Our nonprofit’s “Blind Date with a Book” is always a big hit! We plan to exhibit again in 2020 for this incredible book festival.
Wordsmiths Membership
BOOKS: Let’s read and critique them, write them, help each other get past writer’s block, and enjoy lectures by noted authors.
Email us at wordsmythe4@gmail.com for membership information.
Barnes & Noble Book Fair
Our nonprofit is privileged to have had a couple of these wonderful fundraisers through Barnes & Noble, where a percentage of the sales for a given week are targeted to a specific nonprofit. We will let you know when another of these is coming up and provide you with the code to enter for purchases in store and online. Please give us a call at 760-900-6822 or email info@vicartsed.org if you might be able to help staff the table during one of the book fairs. AND…remember how important it is to support brick and mortar bookstores!
The Music Man!!
Our Executive Director, Davida James, worked with The Town of Apple Valley as a consultant on “The Music Man”, the first live theater production for the Town held at its Amphitheater.